

  • A. Krekeler, Erika. Smeenk-Metz, M. van de Laar en Z. Benders, 'Consistent Choices - A technical Study of Johannes Cornelisz Versproncks Portraits in the Rijksmuseum', The Rijksmuseum Bulletin vol. 62 (2014)/1, 2-23.


  • E. Smeenk-Metz, B. Schoonhoven en A. Wallert, 'Changes to a Civic Guard Portrait. The Technical Investigation of Cornelis Ketels Militia Company of Captain Dirck Jacobsz Rosecrans and Lieutenant Pauw', The Rijksmuseum Bulletin vol. 61, (2013)/3, 250-275.
  • J. Bikker ed., Dutch paintings of the Seventeenth Century in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Volume II - Artists born between 1601 and 1620. 'Technical notes' van een dertigtal schilderijen.


  • A. Krekeler, J. Roeders, E. Smeenk-Metz en G. Tauber, 'Verslag over recente ervaringen met vernissen', in Au Courant (Verenigingsblad van Restauratoren Nederland), nr. 1 (juli 2012), 23-24.


  • E. Smeenk-Metz, M. Zeldenrust en A. Wallert, 'Young Woman in a Broad-Brimmed Hat. Painting Technique and Restoration', The Rijksmuseum Bulletin vol. 59, (2011)/3, 222-235.


  • H. Dubois, S. Meloni, E. Metz, B. Schoonhoven and A. Wallert, 'Breakdown processes of orpiment and realgar-based sixteenth-century paints', in: Deterioration of Artists' Paints: Effects and Analysis, Abstracts for the joint interim meeting ICOM-CC Working Groups Paintings I&II and the Painting Section, UKIC, London 2001, 75-79.